Elegant Bouquet of Pink Roses 50
Elegant Bouquet of Pink Roses 50
Large, elegant bouquet of pink roses wrapped in translucent white paper. The bouquet is being held by a person dressed in light-colored clothing, with only part of the person's face and upper body visible. The roses are tightly packed, creating a lush and vibrant display of pink hues, with some green leaves peeking through. The overall presentation is both luxurious and romantic, making it a perfect gift for special occasions or to express heartfelt emotions.
Materials and care
Materials and care
Flower Type
- Replenish the water frequently.
- Change the water entirely every 2-3 days.
- Trim at least a half inch of stem off your flowers before you put them in a vase and each time you change the water.
- Keep your flowers away from heat and bright light.
- Avoid sitting your flowers beside ripening fruit or vegetables, especially bananas, and apples.
Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained, the color of the flowers may vary depending on the season.